
running tunnel meaning in Chinese



  1. Construction options for the running tunnels on no . 3 line of guangzhou metro
  2. Having participated in design work of tunnel projects at dalian road and xiangyin road , as well as running tunnel of metro line , mr
  3. This thesis gets forecasting ground settlement of sk3 + 355 section of shenzhen metro da ~ ke running tunnel after it is completed 6 months , also gets forecasting ground settlement of sk3 + 395 section after it is completed 15 months . finally , the model test data are compared with the site measurement data
    本论文通过多个模型试验的研究,得到了深圳地铁大~科区间里程sk3 + 355断面在隧道竣工后6个月内地表固结沉降的预测值,也得到了sk3 + 395断面三孔三线隧道施工引起的沉降和隧道竣工后15个月内地表固结沉降的预测值。
  4. This paper refers the case project of the running tunnel from grand theater to science museum in shenzhen metro , through fem numerical simulation , researches the ground surface settlement and influence on the underground pipeline in soft stratum abundant with water by the technique of horizontal jet grouting
  5. To take an actual example , the triple pipe method has been adopted to consolidate the surrounding soil by rotary shot grouting pile and swaying shot diaphragm wall in the construction of vertical shaft and access drift of running tunnel from martyr ' s park to dong shan kou station in no . l line of guangzhou metro . it turns out that this method has met the double effect of both construction support and waterproof
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  8. freezing tunnel
  9. curing tunnel
  10. tunnel area
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  12. running tuck
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  14. running u(second, silver medalist)
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